Half Marathon…and updates

August 5, 2013 by · Leave a Comment
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This weekend we were up at my in-law’s cabin.  It was a BEAUTIFUL weekend!  The weather was gorgeous!  We were able to be outside the entire time without getting rained on or feeling like we were going to melt away.

My brother-in-law talked me into going for a run with him.  He is training for the Chicago half-marathon, so he wanted to go 13.  We took off and went at a nice pace, able to have a great time talking with each other along the way.  We actually ended up going 13.4 mile!  Thank you God that we were able to finish upright and not with any injuries.


If anyone is interested in joining the Hope-Fellowship Jesus Jogger group, we are now running at 6:00 on Tuesday’s and Thursday’s.  We meet at the church and would love to have you join us.


Jogging for Jesus,

John Holgrimson