Marathon Time!

June 20, 2015 by
Filed under: Uncategorized 

Tomorrow I will embark on what is a bucket list item for many runners: marathon!
I am very excited and incredibly humbled and blessed when I look at where God has taken me, from O-Lineman who was a milkshake away from 300 lbs to running a marathon.
I’m not a big “bucket list” guy though so that wasn’t the motivation for this. This who journey was about getting healthy and through that, God has turned it into a passion, which lead me to realize that if I was going to do one I just had to sign up and do it.
So tomorrow is the next step of faith and trusting that God will see me through.
I hope that somehow God will work through me during this race and be glorified by my slow but determined effort.
Remember that God LOVES you!


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