
Hello and welcome to JesusJogger.com.  If you are coming to this website, you probably have seen someone running around wearing some type of clothing wearing the website on it.  We are glad you are here.

Now that you are here, I hope you will take a minute and think about your personal relationship with God.  He loves you, He cares for you, and He wants a personal relationship with you.

Many people say they believe in God.  The Bible tells us that Satan and the demons believe in God.  He wants more then that.  He wants you to know Him personally.  He wants you to turn your life over to Him and let Him control it.

Most importantly, He wants you to have eternity in Heaven with Him.  Without accepting His gift of salvation, this isn’t possible.  It doesn’t take much.  Just the willingness to confess that you are a sinner, can’t live this life without Him, and to genuninely turn your life over to Him and invite Him into it.

It just takes a simple prayer that could be something such as: Lord, I confess to you that I’m a sinner and I’m tired of living this life on my own.  Please forgive me of my sins.  I want You to come into my life and be in control.  I want a relationship and salvation in Heaven with you God.  Thank you that you love me.  Amen.

If you prayed that prayer or something like it for the first time, or are interested in more information about God, or are interested in a shirt yourself, please let me know.  You can contact me at jesusjogger@gmail.com